bristle at – Översättning, synonymer, förklaring, exempel - Ordlex


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I bristled at the suggestion that I trade offices with someone else in the department. He bristled at our criticism of his novel and stormed out of the room. See also: bristle bristle bristling definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, bristling meaning explained, see also 'broiling',bruising',bristly',bristle', English vocabulary Definition of bristling with in the dictionary. Meaning of bristling with. What does bristling with mean?

Bristling def

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Bristle also means to get angry. Tell an animal rights activist you use a badger's bristle shaving brush and you'll get the idea. The emotional meaning of to bristle comes from the fact that most animal bristles used by man are so-called 2021-04-10 · Bristles are thick, strong animal hairs that feel hard and rough . It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles.

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1. to be angry or offended about something. bristle at: He bristled at the suggestion that he was like his father.

Bristling def

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bristling: v pres pverb, present  Bristled - Swedish translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. English - Swedish Translator. It was an involuntary bristling on his part, the physical state that in the past had always accompanied the mental state produced in him by Lip-lip's bullying and  Definition av bristling. Having bristles; The act of one who bristles. Liknande ord.

2019-12-18 French Translation of “bristling” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. bristling: past tense: bristled: past participle: bristled: DEFINITIONS 2. 1. to be angry or offended about something.
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Bristling def

His shirtsleeves were rolled up, revealing beefy arms bristling with dark hair.

Bristle : केस ताठ उभे राहणे bristle definition, examples and pronunciation of bristle in Marathi language.
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definition av bristling: Synonymer, antonymer och uttal

verb (used with object), bris·tled, bris·tling. bristly - having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc.; "a horse with a short bristly mane"; "bristly shrubs"; "burred fruits"; "setaceous whiskers". barbellate, briary, briery, bristled, burred, burry, setaceous, setose, spiny, thorny, prickly, barbed. Brisling definition, sprat (def.

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Meaning and definitions of bristle, translation in Kannada language for bristle with  bristling /verb/ ক্রোধ প্রকাশ করা; অন্তরায়- কণ্টক্তি হত্তয়া; অন্তরায়-কণ্টক্তি থাকা; SYNONYM  English to Marathi Meaning :: bristle. Bristle : केस ताठ उभे राहणे bristle definition, examples and pronunciation of bristle in Marathi language. Bristle - bristle Bristled :: bristled Bristles :: bristles Bristling :: ਉੱਭਰ What bristle means in Punjabi , bristle meaning in Punjabi, bristle definition, examples   Noun: bristle bri-sul. A stiff fibre (coarse hair or filament); natural or synthetic; A stiff hair. Verb: bristle bri-sul. Be in a state of movement or action "The garden  bristle, bristled, bristles, bristling. English to Russian Dictionary: bristle.

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Verb: bristle bri-sul. Be in a state of movement or action "The garden  bristle, bristled, bristles, bristling. English to Russian Dictionary: bristle.

t. [imp. & p. p. Bristled; p.