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Web site. Android app. License: Apache-2.0. Rakning C-19 route tracking is a GPS logger app for Android and iOS, with a user interface and content from the national COVID-19 web page Upplýsingar um COVID-19 á Íslandi. When infection is confirmed the route data is used to support more traditional contact tracing. Download app: Visitors are strongly encouraged to download and use the free, official COVID-19 tracing app Rakning C-19. The app contains important information on COVID-19 and how to contact the healthcare service in Iceland.

Read more about Visiting Iceland. All travellers are strongly encouraged to follow precautionary guidelines, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, and to respect regulations in place, including the 2-meter social distancing rule and using masks. Rakning C-19.
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Rakning C-19. Vodafone strongly encourages everyone staying in Iceland to get the app Rakning C-19. The contract tracing app Rakning C-19 is an important link in the chain of response to COVID-19. The app helps to analyse individuals’ travel and trace their movements against those of other people when cases of infection or suspected infection Download app: Visitors are strongly encouraged to download and use the free, official COVID-19 tracing app Rakning C-19.

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‎Official app from the Icelandic Government to help mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic in Iceland The app collects the GPS location of the phone and stores locally on the device. Do all visitors to Iceland have to download the contact tracing app Rakning C-19? Travellers will be asked and encouraged to download and use the official tracing app, which is already in use by around 40% of Iceland’s population and is free of charge.