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Dies gilt jedoch nicht, wenn er bereits bei Vertragsschluss wusste, dass er es mit einem falsus procurator zu tun hat. de.wikipedia.org. Falsus procurator (lat. wörtlich: „falscher Vertreter“) ist der juristische Fachbegriff für einen Vertreter ohne Vertretungsmacht (österr. Scheinvertreter). Der Begriff stammt aus dem römischen Recht.

Falsus procurator meaning

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Abstract. The purpose with which we have conducted these studies was to delineate the\ud principal characteristics of the figure of the so called falsus procurator, as he\ud emerges from Roman legal sources.\ud In particular, we started from the consideration that, in regard to this legal\ud issue, the doctrine appears to have assumed, so to speak, radical positions: in the\ud past, judging PROCURATOR, title of the governors (first over Judea, later over most of Palestine) appointed by Rome during the years 6–41 and 44–66 C.E. From a recently discovered inscription in which *Pontius Pilate is mentioned, it appears that the title of the governors of Judea was also praefectus. Falsus procurator (lat. wörtlich: „falscher Vertreter“) ist der juristische Fachbegriff für einen Vertreter ohne Vertretungsmacht (österr.

No. II.3 - Agent acting without or outside his authority.

Författningskommentar Inledning I det följande presenteras

(Art. 38 OR). Im vorliegenden Fall hat die Seattle   falsus procurator.

Falsus procurator meaning

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Prof. Dr. Michael Hassemer; Lehrstuhl für Zivilrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Geistiges Eigentum (TU Kaiserslautern); Vorlesung Zivilrecht I. Die Haftung des Vertr procurator definition: 1.

de.wikipedia.org. Dies gilt jedoch nicht, wenn er bereits bei Vertragsschluss wusste, dass er es mit einem falsus procurator zu tun hat.
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Falsus procurator meaning

creditore apparente. falsus procurator. London 2007, S. 752; klassisch ist die Definition von Lord Pearson in: Gamac falsus-procurator-Haftung: zwingender Vertrauensschutz oder Wahlrecht?,  In the mean time, the tradesmen and the furnishers of materials for the building, Equity will never subject such a procurator or assignee to the cedent's debts,  falsus procurator (Lateinisch).

in ancient Rome, an official of the Roman Empire, especially the chief financial officer of a…. Learn more. falsus procurator; ne consegue che, ove il difetto di rappresentanza risulti dagli atti, di esso il giudice deve tener conto anche in mancanza di specifica richiesta della parte interessata, alla quale, a maggior ragione, non è preclusa la possibilità di far valere la mancanza del potere rappresentativo come mera difesa. Ritenuto in fatto .
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Författningskommentar Inledning I det följande presenteras

Der Begriff stammt aus dem römischen Recht. Die weibliche Form ist falsa procuratrix. Corte di Cassazione, sezione terza civile, Ordinanza 6 luglio 2020, n. 13855.

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D. 47, 2);. falsus procurator (§ 1 eod.

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1399 c.c., il contratto concluso dal rappresentante senza potere o in eccesso a quello conferitogli con la procura (falsus procurator), può essere ratificato dall’interessato. What does procurator mean? One who is authorized to act on behalf of another; an agent. (noun) Falsus procurator (lat. wörtlich: „falscher Vertreter“) ist der juristische Fachbegriff für einen Vertreter ohne Vertretungsmacht (österr. Scheinvertreter). Der Begriff stammt aus dem römischen Recht.

Die weibliche Form ist falsa procuratrix. falsus procurator: fake agent Agent de son tort, officious agent fideicommissum: entrusting to (a person's) good faith. Testamentary trust; a form of substitution (called ‘fideicommissary substitution’) in which a will beneficiary is instructed in the will to transfer the testamentary gift in whole or part to a third party. The principal is not bound if an agent acts without or outside his authority ("falsus procurator") unless he ratifies, expressly or impliedly through his conduct, the acts of the agent. In the latter case, the act produces the same effects as if it had initially been carried out with authority.