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The combined 23 Feb 2021 PUBLIC VERSION. EQT Fund Management s.à r.l.. 26a, Boulevard Royal l-2449 – Luxembourg. Luxembourg.
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Editor February 19, 202012 min. . Verdane Capital IX (Verdane) is the major investor in data visualization reporting firm. Dapresy AB and will merge the two companies. 2020-02-24 · Verdane is the major investor in data visualization reporting firm Dapresy and will merge the two companies. “The combination of the Dapresy and Confirmit solutions will be unmatched in the market research and customer experience arena,” said Pål Malmros, responsible for the investment at Verdane.
About This is Verdane London, UK, Oslo, Norway, Stockholm, Sweden - 19 February 2020 – Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research.
A passion for future-proofing companies - EQT
Verdane and EQT are pleased to announce the merger of their respective portfolio companies Confirmit and FocusVision, majority owned by EQT Mid Market US. The combined company will be led by Confirmit CEO Kyle Ferguson and supported by members of both the FocusVision and Confirmit … EQT and Verdane announce intention to merge FocusVision and Confirmit. EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Market Research, Customer and Employee Experience industries.
A passion for future-proofing companies - EQT
Previous mergers include: Pulse Train, CustomerSat, Techneos, Integrasco, and IRM. Verdane is joined by … Verdane Acquires Confirmit. Northern European equity investor Verdane Capital has acquired Confirmit, a provider of customer and employee experience and market research solutions, and will merge it into data visualization reporting firm Dapresy, another firm the company owns. Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research.Verdane is the major investor in data visualization reporting firm Dapresy and will merge the two companies. "The combination of the Dapresy and Confirmit solutions will be unmatched in the … 2020-02-19 OSLO/STOCKHOLM – Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has partnered with Conscriptor, Sweden’s largest developer of medical journal documentation services and dictation software, and Max Manus, Scandinavia’s leading provider of speech recognition and dictation software. The companies will be merged to form a SEK 250m Nordic healthcare technology group 2021-01-07 EQT and Verdane are pleased to announce the merger of their respective portfolio companies FocusVision, majority owned by EQT Mid Market US, and Confirmit.
Februar 2020] – Verdane, ein auf Wachstumskapital spezialisierter nordeuropäischer Investor, hat Confirmit, den führenden globalen Lösungsanbieter für Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience und Marktforschung übernommen. Den norske milliardæren Alexander Vik påførte storbanken Deutsche Bank milliardtap under finanskrisen i 2008. 12 år etter har banken greid å selge juvelen i Viks investeringsselskap, it-selskapet Confirmit.
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Verdane and its portfolio company Confirmit AS in its merger with FocusVision Worldwide, Inc., a portfolio company of EQT Partners. Exantas Capital 27 Feb 2020 Confirmit and Dapresy already share many clients, and Verdane said customers of both companies will benefit from further investment in existing 18 Jan 2021 Confirmit, who was last year acquired by private equity firm Verdane, recently announced its intention to merge with leading customer insights Det nordiska investmentbolaget Verdane Capital IX, som är majoritetsägare i Dapresy och numera ägare av Confirmit, ska slå ihop de båda bolagen. 14 Jul 2020 Verdane, the Nordic investment firm helping successful tech Category leaders backed by Verdane include Confirmit, Danelec Marine, Confirmit Company Profile - Confirmit is a global provider of software for customer Verdane Acquires Market Research, Customer Experience and Employee 20 Feb 2020 Deutsche Bank Freezes 'Billionaire' Vik's Confirmit Shares Olav Perland, and Pal Malmros, a partner at private-equity firm Verdane, which is 21 Oct 2020 The issue was whether the Confirmit-shares are actually and beneficially The shares were sold to the private equity firm Verdane on 14 26 Jun 2020 Confirmit attracted me as a pre-eminent player in its field, not only and I'm confident that with the backing of our new owner, Verdane, we will 19. Febr. 2020 “Die Kombination der beiden Lösungen von Dapresy und Confirmit wird im Bereich.
Detta är en låst artikel. EQT och Verdande slår samman Focusvision och Confirmit 15 Jan. Verdane blir majoritetsägare i Bellman Group. Aktuellt
(Ärende M.10140 – EFMS/VFMF/FocusVision/Confirmit/Dapresy) Verdane Fund Manager Future AB (VFMF, Sverige), kontrollerat av Verdane Advisors
VFMF: en förvaltare av investeringsfonder för vissa Verdane-fonder, som ytterst Confirmit kontrolleras för närvarande av Verdanefonder som
Har i perioden investert i 19 programvareselskaper i Norden, hvorav åtte i Norge: Confirmit, Conexus, Lingit, Max Manus, Norstat, Penetrace, Talentech og
Vinge företräder EQT vid sammanslagning av FocusVision och Confirmit.
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EQT och Verdande slår samman Focusvision och Confirmit
Verdane Acquires Confirmit. Northern European equity investor Verdane Capital has acquired Confirmit, a provider of customer and employee experience and market research solutions, and will merge it into data visualization reporting firm Dapresy, another firm the company owns. STOCKHOLM, Jan. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Market Research, Customer and Employee Experience industries The EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Market Research, Customer and Employee Experience industries The combined company will provide a one-stop-shop of complementary software solutions and offer greater benefits to existing and new customers EQT and Verdane are committed to invest in the combined company to support accelerated […] Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research.
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Confirmit och Dapresy slås ihop -
Founded Year1996.
Parham Benisi - Investment Director - Verdane LinkedIn
EQT och Verdande slår samman Focusvision och Confirmit 15 Jan. Verdane blir majoritetsägare i Bellman Group. Aktuellt (Ärende M.10140 – EFMS/VFMF/FocusVision/Confirmit/Dapresy) Verdane Fund Manager Future AB (VFMF, Sverige), kontrollerat av Verdane Advisors VFMF: en förvaltare av investeringsfonder för vissa Verdane-fonder, som ytterst Confirmit kontrolleras för närvarande av Verdanefonder som Har i perioden investert i 19 programvareselskaper i Norden, hvorav åtte i Norge: Confirmit, Conexus, Lingit, Max Manus, Norstat, Penetrace, Talentech og Vinge företräder EQT vid sammanslagning av FocusVision och Confirmit. De nordiska PE-bolagen EQT och Verdane avser att slå samman deras respektive EQT and Verdane announce intention to merge FocusVision and Confirmit · · EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Riskkapitalbolagen EQT och Verdane meddelar att portföljbolagen Focusvision och Confirmit ska slås samman. EQT och Verdane tillkännager avsikt att slå more Read Confirmit with merge to FocusVision player Technology Research leading a create to Confirmit and FocusVision merge to Verdane and EQT more Confirmit's industry leading insight software and services help businesses listen to customers, markets and employees, analyze data and take action to drive business growth. Stockholm, Sweden – Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research. Verdane is the major investor in data visualization reporting firm Dapresy and will merge the two companies.
Verdane’s investment philosophy Confirmit named a leader among Customer Feedback Management Platforms. Forrester’s analysts recognized Confirmit’s focus on flexibility, stating that Confirmit “meets clients where they are by providing a very hands-on approach when needed or enabling self-service when teams are able and willing to do it themselves”. Stockholm, Sweden – Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research. Verdane is the major investor in data visualization reporting firm Dapresy and will merge the two companies.