Swenskt dialect lexicon: Hvarutinnan uppteknade finnas the


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Known for being the castle bully and one of the most aggressive, dangerous and loudest Defenders, he has occasionally shown his soft side too in a number of episodes. In the episode "Allan Skabb Tonelli", he was replaced by another defender in Round 3, Capture the Crown because of his embarrassment for his true The meat is widely described as tasting like dark chicken. The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means “loose, fat flesh”. More recently, squab meat comes almost entirely from domesticated pigeons.


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d., blask, lank; jfr SKVAL 2, SKVALP,   dialectal Swed. skvabb "loose or fat flesh," skvabba "fat woman"), from P.Gmc. *  The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means " loose, fat flesh". It formerly applied to all dove and pigeon species, such as the   The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word 'skvabb' means “ loose, fat flesh”. It formerly applied to all dove and pigeon species, such as the  The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means " loose, fat flesh".

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The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means "loose, fat flesh". Inflections of ' squab ' ( n. noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.


610 Svenskt dialektlexikon : ordbok öfver svenska

n. spilla, stänka öfver brädden vatten eller annat flytande ämne, när man vårdslöst bär ett dermed fyldt kärl. "Bär skåla vakkert sä ä int skvabb över brädda! Skvabb int ner mäg!" SKVABBLA, v.

In culinary terminology, squab is a young domestic pigeon, typically under four weeks old, or its meat. The meat is widely described as tasting like dark chicken. The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means "loose, fat flesh".
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träffar skvabb har inte skrivit något om sig själv ännu. Trådar; Kommentarer; Vad; Nicks. Laddar Något gick  skvabb. 27. cred.

When the "Execute p1" button is clicked the javascript function p1   "Bär skåla vakkert sä ä int skvabb över brädda!
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The meat is widely described as tasting like dark chicken. The term is probably of Scandinavian origin; the Swedish word skvabb means "loose, fat flesh". noun, plural squabs, (especially collectively for 1) squab.

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Skvink över Skvalpa över. Skvitter När det faller bara några regndroppar. Skväl Skrika, gråta. Skvättut  Man torde därför kunna dra slutsatsen att det fanns ett gemensamt germanskt ord med stammen skvabb.

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It formerly applied to all dove and pigeon species, such as the wood pigeon, the mourning dove, the extinct-in-the-wild socorro dove, and the now-extinct passenger pigeon, and their meat. squab 1680s, "very young bird," earlier (1630s) "unformed, lumpish person" and used at various times for any sort of flabby mass, such as sofa cushions; probably from a Scandinavian word (compare dialectal Swedish skvabb "loose or fat flesh," skvabba "fat woman"), from Proto-Germanic *(s)kwab-. [[t]skwɒb[/t]] 1. n 1) безпе/ре (го/ле) пташеня/ 2) товсту/н; товсту/ха 3) ту/го на/пхана поду/шка 4) куше Bokmålsordboka: Vi har dessverre ingen informasjon om ordet 'SKVABB' i bokmålsdatabasen. Vanlige feilkilder: Skrivefeil: Sjekk skrivemåten!

Unknown, unattested before . Possibly descended from Swedish dialect skvabb ( "fatty, flabby"). Pronunciation. (Brit.