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Chemtrails!!! : Intressanta intressen • AspergerForum
Chemtrails over the Country Club ha ottenuto recensioni prevalentemente positive da parte dei critici musicali. Su Metacritic, sito che assegna un punteggio normalizzato su 100 in base a critiche selezionate, l'album ha ottenuto un punteggio medio di 81 basato su ventisette critiche. Chemtrails is a British indie rock band. A Killer or a Punchline Aeons Deranged Chemtrails Are Not Contrails. The term “chemtrails” is a contraction of chemical trails. Chemtrails differ from contrails.
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Ufo-"forskare" 2:18 PM - 2 Nov 2014. 1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes. Reply. 1. Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over The Country Club (Official Music Video)The New Effy Stonem | Villains Wiki | Fandom Kaya Scodelario, Estetiska Kläder, 13 feb.
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It is the first single from her upcoming seventh studio album and sixth major-label studio album,Chemtrails Over the Country Club. An Airbus A340's engines leaving a water condensation trail (contrail) – miniature clouds formed by the engine exhaust The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits the erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails are "chemtrails" consisting of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by high-flying aircraft, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public. Believers Welcome to Chemtrails Wiki - It's way over our heads! Something is happening in the skies across the planet.
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Se hela listan på Chemtrails a baixa altura: Les esteles de condensació apareixen -tret de quan l'aire és molt fred- a altures superiors als 8.000 metres. Els defensors de l'existència de les chemtrails afirmen que hom albira esteles a altures inferiors, per la qual cosa no es podria tractar de simples contrails. Chemtrail Wiki 15 March Speaker, I frankly, terrifying, but first take behalf of Mr her Unterschied Champignon Knollenblätterpilz work.. If you do not want Bacillus globigii bacteria over the San Fransisco Bay area during.
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Little do they know that, if they controlled our brains, we wouldn't even know Chemtrails existed. Checkmate. Science has proven that chemicals are evil. All chemicals everywhere must Chemtrails Over The Country Club is the seventh studio album by American singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey. It was released on March 19th, 2021 by Interscope Records and Polydor Records.
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2012 — Har man bara lite utbildning så vet om om vad kondens är, vilket Wikipedia förklarar att det hela handlar om på sin artikel om chemtrails.
Izraz chemtrail je sestavljanka iz besed »chemical« (kemičen) in »trail« (sled), ravno tako kot je beseda contrail okrajšava iz "condensation trail." [6] Te kondenzacijske sledi na večjih višinah so rezultat običajnih izpuhov vodne pare iz batnih ali reaktivnih motorjev , pri čemer se voda okoli delcev nečistoč v izpuhu utekočini v viden oblak. chemtrails) — теория заговора, согласно которой «Сионистское оккупационное правительство» (ZOG) тайно распыляет c пассажирских самолётов некие «химикаты». ケムトレイル(英: Chemtrail )またはケムトレイル陰謀論(英: Chemtrail conspiracy theory )は、長時間残留している飛行機雲は、高高度を飛行する航空機から(一般人には秘密にされている邪悪な意図で)空中に散布された有害な化学物質や生物兵器である 。 A teoria da conspiração sobre a chemtrail (do inglês, chemical trail: 'trilha química') alega que os rastros deixados por alguns aviões são na verdade agentes químicos ou biológicos, deliberadamente pulverizados a grandes altitudes, com propósitos desconhecidos do público, causando danos à saúde da população. Versões da teoria da conspiração da Chemtrails Wiki; Aerosol Crimes - Comprehensive documentary; Killer Chemtrails: The Shocking Truth; Chemtrail aeroplane; Chemtrails time lapse 75x, 01/13/2009, Presseck, Germany; Effects of Orgonite in the Environment: Time Lapse Photography; Chemtrails Eliminated in England: Sunlight & Blue Skies Prevail Chemtrails konspirationsteorier började cirkulera efter att USA: s flygvapen (USAF) publicerade en rapport från 1996 om väderförändringar. Efter rapporten anklagades USAF i slutet av 1990-talet för att ha "besprutat den amerikanska befolkningen med mystiska ämnen" från flygplan "genererat ovanliga kontrailmönster." A chemtrail ( chemical trail azaz vegyi csík) egy összeesküvés-elmélet, melynek hívei azt állítják, hogy a chemtrail-repülőgépek titokban mérgező vegyi anyagokat permeteznek, melyek megmérgezik és butítják a lakosságot.